Tanzania Launch Electronic Visa and Residence Permit
Tanzania just launched its electronic visa and residence permit services for foreign nationals wishing to visit or live in Tanzania. The move is aimed at enhancing efficiency, boost investment and security as well as revenue collection, the Government explained.
Speaking during the launch, Tanzania’s Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa commented: “Electronic visas and residence permits are parts of efforts made by the Government to ease access to the country with the view to promoting investment especially in the industrial sector.”
He added that the new technology is also meant to enhance security in the country and boost government revenues as all related fees will be paid by applicants electronically through government’s e-payment system. The e-immigration service starts immediately, meaning all foreigners wishing to visit or reside in Tanzania can make such applications online at https://eservices.immigration.go.tz/visa.
Tanzania Visas A visa is a permission granted to a foreigner to enter and remain in the United Republic of Tanzania for a specific period of time. A visa is issued to a visitor who intends to enter the country for the purpose of visit, tourism, leisure, holiday, business, health treatment, attending conferences or any other related activities recognized by Laws of the country. Tanzania provides Single Entry Visa (Ordinary Visa), Multiple Entry Visa, Transit Visa, and Business Visa.
Tanzania Residence Permits Any foreigner intending to reside in Tanzania for investment, business, employment or any other legal activity may be issued with Residence Permit or Pass. The country provides Residence Permit Class ‘A’, to engage in trade, Business, Profession, Agriculture, Animal husbandry, prospecting of Minerals or manufacturing; Residence Permit
Class ‘B’ for foreigners who have obtained specified employment in Tanzania and has been issued with a Work Permit from the Ministry of Labour and Employment; and Residence Permit Class ‘C’ for students, researchers, volunteers, persons attending cases in Courts of Law, persons who have formerly been residents and are about to leave the country (i.e. winding up affairs), and persons attending medical treatment in hospitals.