Do Saudi citizens need visa for Tanzania?
Yes, Saudi citizens need a visa to enter Tanzania.
Traditionally, the visa application process for Saudi citizens involved visiting the closest Tanzanian embassy or consulate and scheduling an appointment for an interview. However, this process may take a lot of time and result in a lower success rate because of the lengthy wait.
The good news is that Tanzania has implemented an electronic visa system that provides a more convenient option for Saudi travelers. Saudi citizens can apply online at Tanzania Immigration Services for a Tanzania e-visa, which can be used for transit, business, or tourism.
Once travelers are confident that they have picked the correct visa and meet all of the Tanzania visa requirements for Saudi citizens to travel to Tanzania, they should only need a few minutes to complete the Tanzania eVisa application process.
The form requests vital personal and passport information, such as the applicant's complete name, date and place of birth, passport number. Before you submit the visa application form , make sure you properly read the disclaimer's terms and conditions.
As part of the eVisa application procedure, all Saudi residents are required to submit a current email address to which confirmation of receipt of the application will be sent.